The Republic of Suriname is a country on the
northeast shoulder of South-America. Due to its relative
anonymity Suriname has many undiscovered business
Natural Resources
The natural resources are oil, timber, hydropower, fish, kaolin,
shrimp, bauxite, gold, diamond, nickel, copper, platinum, iron
•The backbone of Suriname's economy used to be the export of alumina. Alcoa and BHP Billiton have now exited Suriname which opens new opportunities for the development of an integrated aluminium industry using the bauxite reserves from the Bakhuis mountains in the West of Suriname.
The nation's topography is part of the geographical formation known as the Guyana Shield, a mineral-dense layer of the earth's crust estimated to be two billion years old, and a contributing factor to oil, gold and other minerals being discovered in Suriname.
